Super Sweaty HIIT Workout

I’ve talked about the benefits of HIIT here and thought it about time that I introduce you to a super simple, super sweaty full-body workout that I fall back on when I want a heart-raising finisher on the end of a weights session.

This one requires no equipment and is great for both beginners and the more experienced; simply play around with the timings.

For example, if you’re new to HIIT, or returning to exercise after some time out, then perform each exercise for 30s and rest for 30s. Once you've completed the full circuit rest for 1 minute before repeating three more rounds. To make it harder, perform each exercise for 45s, rest for 15s and then repeat, again completing the full circuit four times.

The Workout Circuit:

High Knees

Squat Jumps

Up Down Planks


Lunge Jumps

Bicycle Crunch

If you’re really struggling with this you can remove the ‘jump’ element from your squats and lunges. The aim of the game is to do as many reps as possible (whilst keeping form) within the active time frame.

Don’t forget a gentle warm up and cool down and make sure you take plenty of sips of water throughout.  


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