Matcha Green Tea Latte

I never used to be a coffee drinker; didn’t like the taste. But then I gained employment as a pastry chef in a coffee shop and fell in love!

I don’t think it’s so much the taste of coffee as I never did manage to take it up to the standard double-shot, it’s more the comforting, creamy goodness and the almost instant electric hit of oomph….plus the feeling of sophistication associated with being an overnight coffee-connoisseur HA!!

When my working day started early it wasn’t long before I’d start counting the minutes until the front of house team arrived, in part because after hours working solo I needed some social interaction and they were a right crack, but also because it meant they could provide me with a steamy cup of coffee in return for their breakfast staple of scrap ends of the chocolate twists I’d baked! A mutual agreement was soon established.

Having left the establishment I rarely drink coffee bar the odd one with brunch on the rare occasion Joe and I get the chance to venture out. The instant stuff doesn’t add up and I don’t want to fork out for a big home coffee machine with full knowledge that the novelty won’t last long. Enter my sister who introduced me to a mini milk frother (pictured below)! Now, this may not be a new thing to you guys but for me, it’s revolutionary! Maybe that’s taking it a little too far but this little gadget means I have the comforting, creamy mug of goodness that I so desire without the hefty price tag and the need to change out of my pjs!

Not one to stick to regular recipes, I set about making my own matcha latte! Another one of the ‘superfoods’ the world has gone bonkers for, matcha is essentially powdered green tea leaves that boasts abundant nutritional benefits making it a hit amongst foodies and the health conscious.

Matcha is rich in antioxidants, in particular polyphenols, which are linked to the prevention of heart disease and the fight against cancer. Other antioxidant benefits include an improved immune system, an anti-aging effect and a metabolic boost.

Finally, matcha provides a good amount of caffeine. The powdered variety is said to contain around three times as much as your standard brewed green tea, so perfect for that morning energy boost or afternoon pick-me-up.

For this recipe I have used Your Super Foods Power Matcha – namely because it’s what I had in the cupboard, but a standard, good quality powdered matcha will be perfect. Sweeten your latte to suit your tastebuds with any natural sweetener, honey is my favourite.

Matcha Latte
Serves 1

1 mug (250ml) milk of choice*
¼ - ½ tsp matcha powder
½ tsp honey, or other sweetener
1 tsp coconut oil (optional)

  1. Heat the milk in a small saucepan, just until simmering
  2. Add the matcha to a mug and pour in a splash of milk; mix until smooth
  3. Add the honey and coconut oil and mix again
  4. Using your mini milk frother, whisk up the milk until nice and creamy with a little volume and add to the mug, mixing gently so as not to deflate the milk
  5. Sit back and sip away

* I like the taste of this when made with coconut milk but almond milk is a good substitute


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