The Name Game

In searching for some new and fun workouts for two clients of mine I came across this beauty! 

I've professed my love of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) here and here before but to reiterate, it's perfect for those of you who simply don't have the time or patience for endless cardio or that want zero equipment sweaty home workout! Using the picture above spell out your full name to format a HIIT routine and go for it! 
If you have a short name but feel up to the challenge then add in your pet's name, or that of your significant other's to maximise the workout! If you have a long name, well then just make sure you have plenty of water and get ready to feel the burn! 
My full name is 21 letters long...lots of burpees, wall sits and push ups for me...thanks Mum! 

I'd love to know how you get on so please leave a comment below if you give this a try!


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