Boosting Your Immune System
It would seem that a selfless gesture to take care of my delicious nephew for a couple hours to give my sleep-deprived sister some much needed R&R seems to have backfired somewhat. Young Harry is all fun, cute, innocence and excitement bundled into a little person body but, on this occasion, we have to add snotty, sneezy and germ-y to the mix!
I had already promised we'd do some baking and past experience has taught me not to go back on a promise to a little person! So cookies we made and, whilst I did refrain from eating one of said toddler-made cookies as you hear of all sorts of nasties getting into the bowl, it would seem that his generous 'thank you' hugs and kisses transferred more than just gratitude...I am now a snotty, sneezy and germ-y big person.
So, whilst I have reached for the hot honey and lemon juice combo in a bid to fight back, it's also important to note that vitamin C isn't the only powerhouse when it comes to keeping bugs at bay. You may consider supplements as a means of boosting your vitamin and mineral intake but before you do take a gander below and you'll find that it's so, so easy support your immune system naturally.
- Copper - an antioxidant and vital micromineral in terms of keeping your immune system healthy. Best found in nuts and seeds as well as quinoa and buckwheat and, if you're feeling flashy, oysters and lobster
- Iron - has an essential role in the transportation of oxygen around the body. Put simply, low oxygen levels in the body result in fatigue which, in turn, limits your immune system's ability to fight off infection. Sources include red meat and poultry, dark leafy greens, beans and legumes and dried fruits
- Zinc - important for immune cell production; found in meat, poultry, shellfish and some grain cereals
- Folic acid - another one for the production of new immune cells. Found in a wide variety of fruit and vegetables as well as beans and legumes
- Vitamin A (and beta-carotene) - powerhouse antioxidants! Think yellow and orange veggies for example carrots, sweet potatoes and squash. Also obtained from eggs and dark, leafy greens.
- Vitamin B6 - sources include fortified cereal, eggs, veggies and milk plus meat, poultry and fish
- Vitamin D - new research suggests optimum levels of this 'sunshine' vitamin could boost your immune system. In the UK the sun's rays are notably lacking but you can also get a dose of vitamin D from meat and fish (particularly oily fish) and, if you're vegetarian or vegan, from some dairy-free milks and fortified cereal
Of course, don't forget about the old, reliable vitamin C! Found in such a variety of foods to include fruit (particularly citrus varieties), vegetables and dark, leafy greens, it's hard not to get enough of this stuff!
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