Need To Know...5 Post Workout Tips

Following on from this previous post here are my 5 top tips for optimum post workout recovery!

C o o l  D o w n
If you’ve just smashed out your PB - whether that’s in the weights room or on the treadmill – you’re likely to feel pumped and ready to take on the world. But don’t just drop everything and head on into the showers, it’s important to cool down and relax your heart rate with some light exercise – 10 minutes at a slooooow pace on the treadmill will suffice.

Spend some time rolling before your finishing stretches. It may be uncomfortable (or in some cases down right painful) but foam rolling is a great means of reducing the onset and effects of DOMS. As you roll your worked muscles you’re smoothing out any knots that may have built up resulting in increased circulation and the restoration of healthy muscle fibres. Other benefits include improved flexibility, greater range of movement and injury prevention.

We all know the benefits of stretching post workout so don’t be lazy, just do it!

 If you’ve worked hard in the gym you should have depleted your glycogen stores and be in need of some carbohydrates. Don’t view carbs as the devil, yes they can lead to weight gain when eaten in excess but so can anything. Your body uses up glucose (provided by carbs) and stored glycogen for energy throughout the day and during your gym sessions, you need to replenish stock. You also need some protein after a workout to help your muscles rebuild, repair and grow. My Chunky Monkey smoothie is a great snack option, or grab an apple with some nut butter, or a chicken or turkey sandwich. Aim to refuel 1-2 hours post workout.

Horrified by the red, sweaty face staring back at you in the changing room mirror? Another obvious one but something that so many of the clients I come across seem to disregard; keep some water with you throughout your workout and be sure to drink plenty after. The average daily amount of water you’re recommended to take on board is 2-2½ litres, this amount increases considerably if you exercise. Read my post on the effects of dehydration to learn more.


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