Need To Know...Five Things To Do BEFORE You Workout

It can be easy to assume that the time you spend in the gym or on your run is all that matters when you're getting or keeping fit. 

The truth is, put a bit of time and effort into the before and after and you’ll reap more benefits that you thought possible. Rest, nutrition and preparation can ensure you get the most out of your sessions and avoid injury.

Read on for my 5 top pre-workout tips and look out for my next post to help your with your post-workout know-how!

This ensures you have the energy to knock out your session and also works to curb your hunger hormones throughout the day meaning you won’t undo all of the hard work you put it! There’s a lot of speculation that the blue lights produced by phones, laptops and other commonly used electronic devices disrupt out sleep-wake cycles so put them away at least an hour before you hit the sack and bag some quality zzz’s!

We all know the importance of hydration during and after a workout so why not minimise the effects of sweating and water loss by making sure you’re supping plenty before you start?

There’s no energy in you prior to your gym sesh then it’s unlikely you’re going to get much out of it. Try to fuel up on a light snack or meal an hour or two beforehand; a slice of wholemeal toast and some nut butter, a small bowl of oats topped with half a banana or some Greek yogurt with granola

Listen to some upbeat, motivating music to get you in the mood and in that 'zone' to move and sweat! Mental preparation is just as important as physical planning

Your warm up has the potential to make or break your workout. Doing a few stretches won’t suffice; get moving with some gentle exercises akin to your actual planned session. Instead of holding a quad stretch, do some squats…shoulder stretch? Do some shoulder and arm rolls. Get some lunges, kicks, side reaches and hip rotations in there. The aim of the game is to get the blood flowing, lubricate your joints and increase your heart rate!


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