Stage Five: Maintenance

So you've actioned your positive changes, perhaps with a few set backs and relapses along the way but, by now you're at least 6 months in and well on your way to consolidating the 'new you'. Your self-confidence has improved, self-esteem may be at an all-time high and here you're allowed to feel just a little smug about your progress.

That's not to say that you can fully relax and that you're in the clear. Relapses are less likely but it remains important to continue to set yourself goals.

If you reached your original target then don't stop there! Think of and concentrate on another then work your damnedest to achieve it.

Do this today...

  1. Remind yourself of how far you've come - allow yourself some pride in the changes you've made and appreciate the hard work you put in to get to where you are. If you realise your efforts you're more likely to stay on the right path in the future
  2. Keep a list of how you felt prior to making the changes - it's likely that you'll forget how bad it got back then in which case you may may be a risk of relapsing into old behaviours
  3. Don't get complacent; set yourself a new target and work towards it


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